This might be a lengthy post so bear with me...
First and foremost, I want to give a big thank you to EVERYONE that was at the Venue last night helping us make the night a fun one! I really enjoyed meeting all the new people I met! Stevie P was a super cool dude, hopefully we can keep in touch with him somehow. He performed some acoustic stuff last night which was awesome (I enjoy performing with hip hop acts, but I especially enjoy performing with non hip hop acts just because of the different experience). Two bands dropped out unfortunately, and Jeremy Snook took the stage as well. Didn't really get to meet the dude but whatever. B4G unfortunately took off kinda fast too, but it was cool to meet him. My sisters, my friends, everybody that watched us: thank you so much for helping us create a fun experience, and a HUGE thank you to those that come to our shows all the time and give us your endless support (you know who you are)!
It was so good to see a lot of old friends last night too, mainly Kyle, Aubrey, Dominic, Brandon and Francis! I had such a great time last night, but this morning was kinda rough when I went to work. Luckily my splitting headache get it?
Anyway, I have SO MUCH going on this month and I'm almost halfway. We got two shows out of the way, finished the wedding gig, and now I have one more show on Oct. 19 at the Bad Irish (possibly another too, but I won't list the date just so I don't jump the gun) and my first ever choreographed dance that will take place in Moscow on Oct. 25 as a tribute to the King of Pop! Not to mention the numerous quizzes in between, preparing for two big tests coming up in about two weeks, as well as work. My mind is gone most of the time right now, and I can't wait until Oct. 27 which is when I'll be heading to Seattle to visit my beautiful girlfriend! I miss her so much and I can't wait to just relax with her. I'm gonna spend time with her, we're gonna see the Sounds live, we're gonna see the new Michael Jackson movie "This Is It", we'll get food at Pagliacci's Pizza and a ton of sushi, celebrate Jon's birthday...SO many things!
Until then, I am trying my hardest to stay cool, and one of the things that does keep me cool is knowing that one or two of you out there are supporting me all the way in everything I do. I appreciate that so much and one day I hope to repay you all in some way or another. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you have a wonderful night! I'll be back shortly with the cutest puppy of the week!
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