Friday, May 1, 2009

Back Again (Full Version)

I posted the mock video for this Reflection Eternal song a couple weeks ago and here's the full version! The "Fingers" song by Chester French (below this post) and this song are two songs that I have on HEAVY rotation right now. I can hardly wait for the new Reflection Eternal album; I already know it's gonna be absolutely incredible! It's crazy to hear a song like this in such a new age of hip's so refreshing!

"No matter where you're from...I will always be in your corner."

The soul just speaks through this song...real hip hop never dies! This song really is "fluid just like water!" Tek could never do Kweli wrong, even if he tried! The beat, the sample, the flow...everything in this song is PERFECT!

Back Again - Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek

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