Real quick, I just want to let everyone know that Boise's first Curb Cup competition is going down this Sunday from 2p-4p! The event will be taking place at various locations downtown, including 8th St. and BODO. We received our location yesterday, and it looks like we'll be performing between Dawson Taylor's and Thomas Hammer on 8th St.! The crazy thing is we're right next to like two Jewish folk bands, a rock band, and a hip hop dance group, so that should be interesting...
If you still don't know how the Curb Cup works, it's basically a performance festival all over downtown. Whether you have a band or you dance or you swallow swords or your dog skateboards, anything goes in this competition. Currently there are 130 registered acts...yeah, I think the people running this will realize they'll need an entry limit next year. All acts have two hours to do whatever they want; they can perform the whole time, take as many breaks as they want, whatever. Yours truly and MCMD will be performing an hour-long set, rest for fifteen minutes, and have an encore of our performance (two hours of performing; SHEESH)! All attendees will have three tokens and must drop the tokens in the bucket of their favorite act. They can drop all three for one act or scatter them among their three favorite acts. The grand prize winner gets a $1000 check while two runner-ups will receive $500 each. Among the cash prizes will be special prizes, like "Best in Show" and "Best Dance Routine" and silly stuff like that.
If you aren't doing anything Sunday, come out and have fun with us! We're not counting on winning (though it would be cool), we just wanna get our music our to more people and just have a good time with people outside. If you really dig our music, drop your tokens in our bucket! With the $1000 prize...I don't even know what we'd do with it, probably make a car payment or something. j/k. Anyway, this is really important for local art and talent so please come out and support not only us but the endless amount of coolness that lives in the town of Boise! Hope to see you there!
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