Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thank you!

Just got done performing, and I REAK of smoke right now!

I just wanna thank EVERYBODY that was at the Neurolux last night to watch us perform (you know who you are). The show would've been nothing without YOU, the audience! Thank you! I had a blast and I hope you did too.

Big shouts to David & Noah of Eleven for sure! Those guys definitely rocked it and kept the good vibes going! (Don't forget to check their Myspace page at

Thanks to the Neurolux and Allen for putting the Dedicated Servers on, hopefully we can do it again soon...

...and once again, a big thank you goes to YOU, whether you were at the concert or not, thank you for listening.

SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC. I can't stress that enough, there's a lot of talent here in Boise (in every genre) and it's a shame that a lot of it goes unnoticed. It was a pleasure to meet Eleven because those guys are doing something great for the community. Keep it up fellas!

Well...I'm gonna get some shut-eye now...gotta get up to continue recording the Warp's coming out soon, I swear.

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